(العربية) لقاء د. عمرو طلعت وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
لقاء د. عمرو طلعت وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات مع أعضاء مجلس إدارة شركة اكس ابس على هامش الذكرى السنوية رقم 20 لتأسيس جمعية اتصال
حيث تعتبر جمعية اتصال من المؤسسات الرائدة في العمل التنموي في قطاع الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.
و تعمل شركة اكس ابس و جمعية اتصال ووزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات على تحقيق الأهداف المشتركة في تنمية وتطوير القطاع على مستوى الشرق الاوسط.
How to use the promo Code and how to get the most out of it
Methods of using the promo code are by using inexpensive purchases through electronic stores on the Internet, which through its use reduces the price of the product to be purchased, but before talking about the ways to use the promo code in detail, let us define the term promo code: it is a code that was created In order to make discounts on the cost of purchasing certain products or certain goods online from an e-commerce site that provides this type of discount on its products, such as Amazon, Jumia, Souq.com, and many other different electronic stores.
Over the years of continuous successes, XApps Smart Solutions has developed and implemented many digital transformation processes for many institutions and companies in all governmental, public, and private sectors, as XApps Solutions has developed and raised the efficiency of internal systems and linked various departments and divisions within a unified digital system.
XApps contributes to the establishment of infrastructure & digital transformation in Africa in cooperation with El Sewedy Group and the Arab Contractors in Tanzania.
With innovative and top-notch business expertise in eCommerce solutions, XApps make an impressive position in the online business globally. This article by GoodFirms researchers intends to highlight the entire journey traveled by the CEO of XApps- Mr. Mohamed Mansour.
As per the interest of XAPPS company with effective digital transformation, The first phase of the Egyptian-Interactive Fatwa House system was launched with users, where the initial stage of the system for users on Android and iPhone, by integration with the internal fatwa system in the answer and review of fatwas in the fatwa organization.
The system contains all the fatwas of their different classifications, It also supports Arabic, English, and French to serve Muslims all over the world.
Mobile applications are the most spread trend in development fields. So, in this article, we will show these trends in 2024.
M-commerce solution or mobile commerce solution is a growing way of trading system in recent years. It allows for a few clicks on your smartphone screen, and thus opens a new way for people to exchange goods and services.
The best way to use the libraries of the Shukri for Android and iPhone and the possibility of reading your favorite books and purchase with the application of the Shukri You can also buy and request delivery to your home
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